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14.12.2021 Exposition de Romane de Watteville

14.12.2021 Exposition de Romane de Watteville

April 24, 2021 La Domaine de Montbenay in the media

Basile von Wattenwyl wins the first prize at Industry Skills Romandie in the electronics category / in the CFC

Paul de Watteville gagne argent aux swissskills in the category Viticulteurs

Video of the ceremony of the return of the prix
350th anniversary of the New Castle Oberdiessbach

"Son and Lumiere"
With more than 6,000 visitors, our final bouquet "Son et Lumière" for the 350th anniversary of the New Castle was a complete success. We would like to invite you to visit the “Aftermovies” and the picture gallery under the following links: (Official aftermovie) (drone movie)

Louis François Robert de Watteville à Doha
for les Young UN envoyés
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